Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November Daily Thanks - Day 1

Today marks the first day of my mission to blog everyday during the month of November to mention something that I am thankful for. My topics will not be in any kind of order, some may be serious and some may be whimsical. It is my quest to end my year on a high note and to recognize all the good in my life.

So today I am thankful for my Dad who passed away this year. My dad was a simple man who simply lived to please others. He was quiet and reserved and very intelligent. He taught me a lot of life's important lessons and was always there for me.

Here is a picture of him on his 90th birthday which was this past January:

I wasn't going to start off with him as I wanted to pick something more upbeat and funny to start with, but I dreamt of him last night and in my dream he was just as he was before he passed away but he was able to talk to me and he told me he loved me.

Thank you Dad for the gift of your love, always.

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